Adrian Holzschuh

Adrian Holzschuh

UX/UI Designer & Front-End Developer

Aiming to bring outstanding user experience, one project at a time.
Andrix Logo


An website for showcasing beautiful, handcrafted electric bikes.


Major Project


Made for Study


14 days (2 weeks)


Finished 11/2021

HTML & CSS final course project.

HTML & CSS final course project.

Bikcraft was created as the final project for Origamid's HTML & CSS course. The goal was to study proper element markup, position and styling.

Emphasis was specially given to user accessibility and responsive design within the code.

Multiple page website.

Multiple page website.

Bikcraft was created with 4 pages in total, them being the Homepage, Bikes, Insurances and Contact pages.

Each page has its own styling specifications and content. Very few lines of JavaScript were used in this project.

HTML IconCSS IconJavaScript Icon