New Website

New Website

Testing, testing… Hey, how are you? Welcome to Andrix Dev’s new website! This project, which took over two months to complete (phew), was conceived as a solution to centralize all the projects I’ve created so far in my journey as a developer.

I am thrilled to present to you all that I have to offer through Andrix. Here, I have tried to catalog all the projects I have ever made, being websites, web/desktop applications, games... I’ve made my job to describe everything as best as possible so it may be of interest to you and your business. My satisfaction comes from being a part of digital success stories, as yours can be too.

My name is Adrian Holzschuh, and I am available to help elevate your business to the next level. You can reach out to me directly by phone, message me on WhatsApp, or, if you prefer, send an email. Can't wait to hear from you!

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